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The GYTPOL Gazette

Is Linux More Secure?

It's often said that Linux is a more secure OS compared to other OS in the market, and that is not wrong, however, one should not be tempted to think that it is also bulletproof.

Is Linux More Secure?

It's often said that Linux is a more secure OS compared to other OS in the market, and that is not wrong, however, one should not be tempted to think that it is also bulletproof.

5 min read
Image of Paul Goldweitz
  • 5 min read

How GYTPOL Helps Organizations Improve their Cyber Posture

Odds are you have heard the wisdom that a defense is only as good as its weakest point. Which makes sense. After all, any strong defensive posture can only hold up if there are no fail point...

How GYTPOL Helps Organizations Improve their Cyber Posture

Odds are you have heard the wisdom that a defense is only as good as its weakest point. Which makes sense. After all, any strong defensive posture can only hold up if there are no fail point...

5 min read

Paul Goldweitz

Paul brings over 15 years experience in Enterprise IT Cyber Security, Infrastructure, Sales, and Startup Strategy.

Blog Posts by “Paul Goldweitz”

Image of Paul Goldweitz
  • 5 min read

Is Linux More Secure?

It's often said that Linux is a more secure OS compared to other OS in the market, and tha...

5 min read
Image of Paul Goldweitz
  • 5 min read

How GYTPOL Helps Organizations Improve their Cyber Posture

Odds are you have heard the wisdom that a defense is only as good as its weakest point. Wh...

5 min read